Vodka Missing You Gift
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Vodka Missing You Gift

An exclusively designed, high-quality gift set that offers classic flavours and a sophisticated style unlike any other. Easy to personalise with a message from you and complete with a single bottle of Smirnoff Red Triple Distilled Vodka housed within it, this gift set comes in a sturdy wooden gift box that is lined with wood wool for secure delivery to any location and boasts the words Missing You printed on top. Great for giving any day of the year, this gift box is absolutely certain to satisfy any recipient whether you choose to have it delivered to your best friend or family member, whether you’re separated by distance, time, or more.

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Size: Standard Bottle 70cl (700ml)

Vodka Birthday Gift Smirnoff Vodka Gift Vodka Thank You Gift  Vodka Congratulations Gift Smirnoff Red Label Vodka Valentines Day Gift Vodka Anniversary Gift Vodka Retirement Gift Vodka Get Well Soon Gift Vodka Thinking of You Gift Smirnoff Red Label Vodka Christmas Gift In Wooden Box

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