Lanson Mixed Champagne Mini Quarter Case
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Lanson Mixed Champagne Mini Quarter Case

Spruce up any event with this convenient and stylish mini Champagne quarter case set. If you’re looking to offer Champagne at any party or gathering, why not make life easier with a case of 12 mini quarter (20cl) bottles of Lanson Black and Lanson Rose Champagne? One quarter case includes six bottles of Lanson Black and six bottles of Lanson Rose, with one bottle serving one person. So no need to worry about pouring and serving; save time and money with this perfect set. Plus, save the washing up by pairing this product with our sippers to avoid using glasses. Party planning has never been easier!

Size: Quarter Bottle (Piccolo) 18.75cl

Top 10 Champagne Gifts 2024

Enjoying our selection of Top 10 Champagne Gifts of 2023? These are just a small sampling of the amazing variety we have in store for you. We invite you to explore our comprehensive guide on the 'Top 50 Champagne Gifts of 2023', meticulously ranked based on actual customer purchases. Whether you're looking for a luxury splurge or a budget-friendly find, we've got a Champagne gift for every occasion. Don't miss out on finding the perfect bottle to celebrate your special moments. [Visit our Top 50 Champagne Gifts page now]

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