Chilean Three Bottle Wine Gift in Wooden Box
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Chilean Three Bottle Wine Gift in Wooden Box

Featuring the remarkable flavours of Chile beautifully contained within a stunning wooden gift box, this amazing Chilean Three Bottle Wine Gift Box is designed to allow anyone to feel as if they’re walking through the vineyards of Chile without ever leaving their seat. Boasting a great taste as well as a chic and fashionable appearance, this gift box is also easy to personalise with a message just from you which assures that the recipient knows exactly who to thank for such an incredible gift. Complete with three single bottles of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc within it, this set of wines comes in a unique three-bottle wooden gift box designed to be delivered safely to any location required.
Wine Country: Chilean Wine Gifts
Size: Standard Bottle 75cl (750ml)

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