Dom Perignon Creators Edition
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Dom Perignon Creators Edition

At the end of each year, Dom Perignon produce a limited edition called Creators. This years label and box has been created by Bjork and Chris Cunningham. The Dom Perignon Champagne itself is the 2006 vintage which does taste excellent as you would expect. The design of the box shows a shard of green light coming down from the heavens to demonstrate the indissoluble link between earth and emotion. '......the Creators envisioned a shining beacon of exuberant earthly green light for the Blanc that shines down on the bottle from above, visually piercing the glass with its glow. The shards of light that escape from it echo the feeling during the vintage's tasting, bearing witness to the unequivocal sensation that crosses the mind as Dom Perignon's champagne penetrates the heart, and warms it in its unique and indefinable light....'

Size: Standard Bottle 75cl (750ml)

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