Personalised Thank You Champagne Upload Artwork
Personal Gift Card Message

Personalised Thank You Champagne Upload Artwork

Elevate your Champagne gift with personalised labels that are incredibly easy to create. Simply design a beautiful image canvas with dimensions of 1200 PX Width by 770 PX Height using popular image software like Photoshop, Canva, or Adobe Illustrator. Choose a solid background, such as white, and let your creativity shine. Add text, photos, logos, QR Codes, or even your own corporate branding – the possibilities are endless. For optimal quality, select 300 DPI and save your file as either .JPG or .PNG. Once your masterpiece is ready, just click on the "Personalise Label" button to upload your file and see a preview of how it will look on the bottle. The label will be expertly applied to a bottle of Paul Langier Brut Champagne and delivered in one of our timeless solid wooden gift boxes, adorned with the words "Thank You" on the lid. As an added touch, you'll have the option to include a greeting card message during checkout. Rest assured, we offer flexible delivery options. Choose next day delivery or select a specific date that suits you.